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Episode 3

Episode 3 "Understanding"

38m 37s

How do you know when someone has understood something? And how can explainers adapt their approach to promote better understanding? In this episode, Prof. Britta Wrede discusses these questions with Prof. Hendrik Buschmeier, a computational linguist at Bielefeld University, and Prof. Heike Buhl, a psychologist at Paderborn University. (Episode in German; English transcript available.)

Episode 2 “Explaining”

Episode 2 “Explaining”

39m 29s

What is the difference between explainability and explaining? How does the act of explanation, done by humans, work – and how can it be applied to AI systems? Why is it even of such great importance for XAI? Prof. Britta Wrede is discussing these and other questions again with Prof. Katharina Rohlfing, psycholinguist at Paderborn University and Prof. Philipp Cimiano, computer scientist at Bielefeld University.

Episode 1 “Explainability”

Episode 1 “Explainability”

34m 36s

In this first episode we enter the topic of explainability from the perspectives of computer science and linguistics. The guests are the speakers of the Collaborative Research Center, Prof. Katharina Rohlfing, psycholinguist at Paderborn University and Prof. Philipp Cimiano, computer scientist at Bielefeld University. The insights they are giving are about the motivation that drives them, the research goals they are pursuing and the societal impacts of XAI.